Brick Paver Patio Inlays in Appleton

One of the more unique, fun things we do when installing brick paver patios in and around the Appleton, Wisconsin area is inlay some other material.

Sometimes we’ll inlay flagstone inside pavers.

Flagstone Inlaid in Tumbled Pavers

North Appleton Flagstone Paver Inlay

Inlaid Flagstone on Clay Paver Patio, Downtown Appleton



Or we may inlay one type of paver with another, either for additional visual interest like this paver patio:

Brick pavers, grill island, fire pit - Appleton and Fox Cities

Paver patio, fire pit and built-in grill just south of Appleton, WI

Or it might be to break up a paver pattern to create more visual interest, like you can get a glimpse of in the bottom corner of this paver patio:

Clay Paver Patio with Pattern Inlay

Or it may be to blend old pavers from an existing patio into a newer, expanded patio with newer pavers:

Paver Inlay, Old and New

Whether for form or for function, Stonehenge inlays are beautiful!